Info Sneek.

Parking and boarding in Sneek:


Departure from the jetty opposite FSM/VVV Sneek:

Tourist Office Sneek: Kleinzand 16, 8601 BH SNEEK, tel.: 0515-750678
open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (in the Frisian Maritime Museum) on Sundays the museum is open from 12 noon to 5 p.m.

As an exception, we use a boarding point at Theater Sneek on the Westersingel.

Parking: our advice is the nearest parking lot and parking garage: Normandiaplein, 8603 CL SNEEK.

Requests for groups can be made via: 06-10056173.

From April 1 to mid-September 2024 we will sail various routes for single boarders. Tickets and information for these routes are available online and on the quay from the skipper.


grutste sylevenemint

It sil wer heve: it grutste sylevenemint op Europeesk binnenwetter, yn Fryslân. ⛵️ De Sneekweek is begonnen en Commissaris van de Koning Arno Brok nam gisteravond traditioneel de vlootschouw af.